Area Hearing Center works with leading manufacturers offering exceptional technical advances in hearing instruments. Dr. Lara Royster Gray Au.D. tailors
each patient's hearing instrument consultation, recommendation and follow
up service to his or her individual life style needs and budget.
Personal hearing instrument selection is very important, but only part of the equation to achieve patient satisfaction. Accurate hearing instrument fitting, calibration, verification, recalculation, counseling and maintenance service are critical components in achieving patient satisfaction.
Hearing Instrument Fitting and Verification:
Dr. Lara Royster Gray, utilizes two verification methods to confirm
hearing instrument performance and patient audio clarity.
each patient's hearing instrument consultation, recommendation and follow
up service to his or her individual life style needs and budget.
Personal hearing instrument selection is very important, but only part of the equation to achieve patient satisfaction. Accurate hearing instrument fitting, calibration, verification, recalculation, counseling and maintenance service are critical components in achieving patient satisfaction.
Hearing Instrument Fitting and Verification:
Dr. Lara Royster Gray, utilizes two verification methods to confirm
hearing instrument performance and patient audio clarity.
- Real Ear In-Situ (real time / in ear) Speech Mapping Verification Process Frequency Specific / Multi-Input Assessment of Speech Clarity Objective Computerized Patient Verification Response
- Aided Sound Field Speech Verification Audiogram Subjective Evaluation (requiring patient response)